Upcoming Events

Image of golf ball on tee on grass.

Patriot Golf Day

No morning tee times available.  First available times after 12:00pm.

APT Group

APT Group - 8:00am Shotgun.  Fewer morning tee times available than normal.

MGC Summer Sizzler

Morning shotgun, reduced availability for morning tee times. (Also playing on Wednesday, September 13 - Standard Wednesday Availability)

Rates Change

Twilight moves to 1:00pm and Super-Twilight is 3:00pm.  9 Holes can only be booked in advance after 1:00pm (can be played anytime if booked on the day of play).


One course will be closed while two others remain open.  Tee time availability will be limited.

Double Tee Starts

Friday and Saturday will be a double tee start.  Two hours will be available to start the morning, followed by two hours of blocked turn times before starting another new wave of tee times.  Times in the 9:00-11:00 may not be available to allow many more opportunities both before and after.

Double Tee Starts

Friday and Saturday will be a double tee start.  Two hours will be available to start the morning, followed by two hours of blocked turn times before starting another new wave of tee times.  Times in the 9:00-11:00 may not be available to allow many more opportunities both before and after.

Double Tee Starts

Friday and Saturday will be a double tee start.  Two hours will be available to start the morning, followed by two hours of blocked turn times before starting another new wave of tee times.  Times in the 9:00-11:00 may not be available to allow many more opportunities both before and after.

Cart Path Only*

Cart path only restrictions may be in effect. Speak to golf shop staff for details.

Double Tee Starts

Friday and Saturday will be a double tee start.  Two hours will be available to start the morning, followed by two hours of blocked turn times before starting another new wave of tee times.  Times in the 9:00-11:00 may not be available to allow many more opportunities both before and after.

Double Tee Starts

Friday and Saturday will be a double tee start.  Two hours will be available to start the morning, followed by two hours of blocked turn times before starting another new wave of tee times.  Times in the 9:00-11:00 may not be available to allow many more opportunities both before and after.